
The spirit of The Master and Margarita is still alive. You can notice it when you talk to Russians, of course - especially with Muscovites - but also when you're watching the media, and not only the Russian ones.

The novel itself is a regular news topic by the many adaptations which are made of it, like movie pictures and theatre plays, or because there are books on the book. Sometimes they are even published far from the biotope of Bulgakov and his characters.

Unfortunately Bulgakov and The Master and Margarita are sometimes part of the news because of less pleasant events. The opponents of the novel still make themselves felt and continue to annoy the people who are making big efforts to keep the memory of Bulgakov and his masterpiece alive.

Click on the link below to read the latest news on Mikhail Bulgakov and The Master and Margarita.

Russian news channels

Телеканал Дождь [Telekanal Dozhd] or TV Rain and Радиостанция «Эхо Москвы» [Radiostantsiya Ekho Moskvy] or Radio Echo of Moscow are the only truly independent news sources in Russia. All other channels are controlled to a greater or lesser extent by the government. However, their news about Mikhail Bulgakov and The Master and Margarita can generally be considered as reliable.

Telekanal Dozhd [ru] - Click on the arrow to read news from Russia on Telekanal Dozhd


Radio Echo of Moscow [ru] - Click on the arrow to read news from Moscow on Radio Echo of Moscow


Vesti-Moskva [ru] - Click on the arrow to read news from Russia on Vesti-Moskva


Kanal 1 [ru] - Click on the arrow to read news from Russia on Kanal 1


NTV [ru] - Click on the arrow to read news from Russia on NTV


Russia Today [en] - Click on the arrow to read news from Russia on Russia Today


The Moscow Times is an English-language weekly newspaper published in Moscow, with a circulation of 55,000 copies. It is distributed free of charge at places frequented by English-speaking tourists and expatriates.

The Moscow Times [en] - Click on the arrow to read news from Moscow on The Moscow Times



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