Société des amis de Mikhaïl Boulgakov

Mikhail Bulgakov continues to inspire many people throughout the world. Since the start of this web site, 9 years ago, your webmaster has already been asked on several occasions, and from just about anywhere on the globe, to assist in the creation of associations for Friends of Mikhail Bulgakov.

So far, everything remained confined to the expression of good intentions, but in France the spell has finally been broken now with the founding of La Société des amis de Mikhail Boulgakov (Association of  Friends of Mikhail Bulgakov). Spurred on by the delightful Patricia Nunes, this association has been officially founded on February 1, 2015, and it will soon start fully developing its activities.

The list of ideas for activities is impressive, but in order to carry them out, the association obviously first needs members. An ordinary membership will cost € 30 per year, for students there is a special tariff of € 10 per year. Besides, you can earn back your membership fee almost immediately, because when you enroll, you get a book of Bulgakov for free, and a 25% discount on all products in the web shop of this site.

Behemoth conquers France

The association has created a website where you can find all the information you need, and to which you can send messages that will be commented by Behemoth himself, in his function as Chief of the BMDCAN (Bureau y en a Marre des Critiques à la Noix) - which, loosely translated, sounds like the ASTOSC (Agency which is sick and tired of silly criticism). You should definitely try it!


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