Another Bulgakov monument

No one can say that he or she doesn’t know that 2016 will be the year of the 125th anniversary of Mikhail Bulgakov. In October, we already wrote that the city of Moscow wants to celebrate this anniversary by giving the name Bulgakov Square to the park at the intersection of Spiridonevsky street and Bolshoy Kozikhinsky lane in Moscow

A month later, in November, we informed you that the sculpture group which Aleksandr Rukavishnikov had already made in 2002 on The Master and Margarita, will adorn the way between the Patriarch's Ponds and the Bulgakov House.

Now we heard that the Committee for Monuments of the Moscow city government wants to establish a monument to Mikhail Bulgakov at the aforementioned Bulgakov Square.

The Committee will propose to the Moscow City Council to commission sculptor Georgy Frangulyan with it. Not so long ago, this artist won a contest for a monument to the victims of political repression: a relief of forty meters long and six meters high, which should come at the intersection of Sakharov Prospekt and the Garden Ring.

Georgy Frangulyan

On the Bulgakov monument, Frangulyan said that it will be built from manuscripts that will be stacked in the shape of a blazing fire. The construction would be a little more than four meters high. It can’t be more, for the trees on the square will be preserved.



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