Музыка Клаудии Веги

Today we added to this website a page about the song Master & Margarita, created by Claudia Vega, a Spanish singer living in London.

Claudia Vega Bensadón (°1996) - is a musician and songwriter from Madrid, Spain. She started writing music when she was 12 years old and is influenced by diverse artists and genres. She sings in French, Spanish and English. Her uncles, Antonio Vega Tallés (°1957) and Nacho García Vega (°1961), were the founding members of Nacha Pop, a very successful Spanish pop group in the 80’s.

In 2019, Clauda Vega worked on her album Spanish Manners with the flamenco and urban producer José Losada. One of the tracks is Master & Margarita. The song was written in the summer of 2018.

Claudia Vega
Claudia Vega - Spanish Manners

Click on the link below to read more about it and to listen to the song.



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