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The power of the internet is in the links. And when it's about Bulgakov or The Master and Margarita, there are a whole lot. In this section of the website you find a lot of useful links which can help to better understand The Master and Margarita and its context. An immense quantity of authors, amateurs as well as scientists, until far outside of Russia, felt called to discuss the novel.
Our Own Archives
In the section Our Own archives you are linked with the archives of this website, where I store the source texts in which Bulgakov found information or inspiration to write The Master and Margarita. There are also links to facsimiles of personal documents of the writer, and to essays written about The Master and Margarita or about various aspects of the Soviet Union in Bulgakov's time.
The Sources of Mikhail Bulgakov
The historical sources which Mikhail Bulgakov used for the writing of The Master and Margarita.
6 documents - 1.528 pages
Stories by Mikhail Bulgakov
Texts and stories written by Mikhail Bulgakov, some of which were never published or are hard to find.
48 documents - 2.801 pages
Texts about The Master and Margarita
Studies, master papers and essays about Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita in various languages.
83 documents - 6.608 pages
Texts about the Soviet Union
Studies, master papers and essays about the Soviet Union in Mikhail Bulgakov's time in various languages.
25 documents - 2.182 pages
Total archives - 162 documents, 13.119 pages
External Links
The External links are links to public websites about The Master and Margarita, about the writer Mikhail Bulgakov, or about Russian literature, language or culture. If a link would no longer be active, please be so kind to tell me.
Click on the menu icon on the right to browse through our archives and to follow the links.