Master i Margarita - 2020


The heavy metal band Alkasar was formed on February 23, 2010, when the musicians of the young group first gathered in the rehearsal room of the rock club Rostov in Rostov-on-Don, in the south of the Russian Federation.

On November 5, 2011, the band had its first live concert on the stage of the rock club Бас-бочка [Bas-Bochka] and received a warm welcome. After a number of personnel changes, a first single was recorded in 2012 entitled Возрождение [Vosrozhdenije] or Renaissance.

Meanwhile, the band has released six singles and two albums: Алькасар [Alkasar] in 2014 and Коридоры Надежд [Koridory Nadezhd] or The Corridor of Hope in 2018.

On November 21, 2020, the band announced that their new single was ready. Composer Alexey Volkov and lyricist Anastasia Skobaneva were inspired by Mikhail Bulgakov's novel for the song Мастер и Маргарита [Master i Margarita] or The Master and Margarita.

Alkasar - Master i Margarita



Technical details

Мастер и Маргарита
[Master i Margarita]

Anastasia Skobaneva - vocals
Alexej Volkov - guitar
Anton Ponomarev - guitar
Roman Levankov - bass guitar
Vasili Tsjocheli - drums
Dmitri Taranov - keyboards

Release date
November 21, 2020

Joker Records



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