Theatre pieces 1992

The Master and Margarita
Four Corners Theatre Company
Almeida Theatre, London (United Kingdom)
Director David Graham-Young
July 23, 1992 - August 15, 1992

Необыкновенные приключения Мастера Михаила Афанасьевича и его Маргариты Елены Сергеевны
(The Extraordinary Adventures of Master Mikhail Afanasevich and his Margarita Elena Sergeevna)
Theatre at Nikitsky Gate, Moscow (Russia)
Director Sergey Desnitsky
Premiere March 1, 1992



Мастер и Маргарита
(The Master and Margarita)
Pushkin Drama Theatre, Kharkiv (Ukraine)
Director Anatoly Vetsner
Season 5 (in the repertoire since 1988)

Мастер и Маргарита
(The Master and Margarita)
Taganka Theatre, Moscow (Russia)
Director Yuri Lyubimov
Season 16 (in the repertoire since 1977)


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