Theatre pieces 2020

As of March 2020, most of the announced theatre performances all over the world have been canceled because of the coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic.


Der Meister und Margarita
The Master and Margarita
Schauspiel Leipzig, Leipzig (Germany)
Director Claudia Bauer
July 2, 2020

Der Meister und Margarita
The Master and Margarita
Schauspiel Leipzig, Leipzig (Germany)
Director Claudia Bauer
June 12, 2020

Le maître et Marguerite
The Master and Margarita
Théâtre de la Tempête

La Scala, Paris (France)
Director Igor Mendjisky
June 2-20, 2020 (17 representations)

Le maître et Marguerite
The Master and Margarita
Théâtre de la Tempête

La Scala, Paris (France)
Director Igor Mendjisky
May 28-31, 2020 (4 representations)

Der Meister und Margarita
The Master and Margarita
Schauspiel Leipzig, Leipzig (Germany)
Director Claudia Bauer
May 2 and 28, 2020

Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Gorky Theatre, Vladivostok, (Russian Federation)
Director Elena Isaeva
April 24-26, 2020

Gorky Theatre, Vladivostok
Gorky Theatre, Vladivostok

Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Independent Theatre, Moscow, Germany Tour

April 26, 2020 - Erwin-Piscator-Haus, Marburg (Germany)
April 25, 2020 - Eurogress, Aachen (Germany)
April 24, 2020 - Bismarckhalle, Siegen (Germany)
April 22, 2020 - Stadthalle Hiltrup, Münster (Germany)
April 21, 2020 - Stadthalle, Cloppenburg (Germany)
Director Valery Belyakovich

Der Meister und Margarita
The Master and Margarita
Schauspiel Leipzig, Leipzig (Germany)
Director Claudia Bauer
April 18, 2020

Le maître et Marguerite
The Master and Margarita
Théâtre de la Tempête

April 16, 2020 - Théâtre des Pénitents, Montbrison (France)
Director Igor Mendjisky

Theatre in the Dark: Chapter 13
House of the Architect, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Director Grigory Baklanov
April 7, 26-27 and 30, 2020

Meister und Margarita
The Master and Margarita
Theater Dreieck, Würzburg (Germany)
Directors Johanna Schall and Grit van Dyk
March 20, 21, 22, 25, 26 and 28, 2020

Theater Dreieck
Theater Dreieck

Le maître et Marguerite
The Master and Margarita
Théâtre de la Tempête
25th Russian Festival

Théâtre Axel Toursky, Marseille (France)
Director Igor Mendjisky
March 14, 2020

Le maître et Marguerite
The Master and Margarita
Théâtre de la Tempête

March 31, 2020 - Théâtre de Corbeil-Essonnes (France)
March 26, 2020 - Théâtre des Feuillants, Dijon (France)
March 19, 2020 - Espace Nuithonie, Villars-sur-Glâne (Switzerland)
March 17, 2020 - Théâtre Le Reflet, Vevey (Switzerland)
March 12, 2020 - Théâtre de Grasse, La Roquette-sur-Siagne (France)
March 11, 2020 - Théâtre de Grasse, La Roquette-sur-Siagne (France)
Director Igor Mendjisky

Der Meister und Margarita
The Master and Margarita
Schauspiel Leipzig, Leipzig (Germany)
Director Claudia Bauer
March 7 and 21, 2020

Der Meister und Margarita
The Master and Margarita
Theater Krefeld und Mönchengladbach (Germany)
Director Zara Antonyan
March 7, 2020

Theatre in the Dark: Chapter 13
House of the Architect, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Director Grigory Baklanov
March 1-2, 2020

Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Theater M.A. Bulgakov (Germany Tour)

March 13, 2020 - Pavillon, Hannover (Germany)
March 12, 2020 - Russisches Haus, Berlin (Germany)
March 11, 2020 - Bürgerhaus, Ibbenbüren (Germany)
March 10, 2020 - Die Glocke, Bremen (Germany)
March 8, 2020 - Saalbau Gallus, Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
March 7, 2020 - Mainfrankensäle, Veitshöchheim (Germany)
March 6, 2020 - Konzerthaus, Karlsruhe (Germany)
March 5, 2020 - Pentahotel, Trier (Germany)
March 4, 2020 - Stadttheater, Ratingen (Germany)
March 1, 2020 - Kongress am Park, Augsburg (Germany)
February 29, 2020 - Kultur+Kongress Forum Altötting (Germany)
Director Sergey Aldonin

Sergey Aldonin
Sergey Aldonin

Theatre in the Dark: Chapter 13
House of the Architect, Kyiv (Ukraine)
Director Grigory Baklanov
February 27, 2020

Der Meister und Margarita
The Master and Margarita
Public rehearsal

Schauspiel Leipzig, Leipzig (Germany)
Director Claudia Bauer
February 26, 2020

Il maestro e Margherita
The Master and Margarita
Teatro Mina Mezzadri, Brescia (Italy)
Director Paolo Bignamini
February 17-19, 2020

Le maître et Marguerite
The Master and Margarita
Théâtre de la Tempête

February 13, 2020 - Forum de Flers, Flers (France)
February 4, 2020 - Carré Magique, Lannion (France)
Director Igor Mendjisky

Forum de Flers
Forum de Flers

Der Meister und Margarita
The Master and Margarita
Theater Krefeld und Mönchengladbach (Germany)
Director Zara Antonyan
January 29 and 31, 2020

Le maître et Marguerite
The Master and Margarita
Théâtre de la Tempête

January 23, 2020 - Théâtre Quartier Libre, Ancenis-Saint-Géréon (France)
January 21, 2020 - Théâtre de Verre, Châteaubriant (France)
January 16, 2020 - Le Canal, Théâtre du Pays de Redon (France)
January 14, 2020 - Le théâtre de Laval, Salle B. Hendricks, Laval (France)
January 9, 2020 - Centre culturel Athéna, La Ferté-Bernard (France)
January 7, 2020 - L'entracte/centre Culturel, Sable Sur Sarthe (France)
Director Igor Mendjisky

Le théâtre de Laval
Le théâtre de Laval



Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Lunacharsky Theatre, Sevastopol (Ukraine)
Director Grigory Lifanov
Season 3 (in the repertoire since 2018)

Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Theater «Masterskaya», Saint Petersburg (Russian Federation)
Director Grigory Koslov
Season 4 (in the repertoire since 2017)

Każdy dostanie to, w co wierzy
It will be given to each according to his faith
Theatre Powszechny, Prague (Czech Republic)
Director Wiktor Rubin
Season 4 (in the repertoire since 2017)

Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Theatre Art Studio, Moscow (Russian Federation)
Director Sergey Zhenovach
Season 4 (in the repertoire since 2017)

Mistr a Markétka
The Master and Margarita
Moravské divadlo, Olomouc (Czech Republic)
Director Bogdan Kokotek
Season 5 (in the repertoire since 2016)

Mistrz i Małgorzata
De meester en Margarita
Akademia Teatralna

Teatr Collegium Nobilium, Warsaw (Poland)
Director Waldemar Raźniak
Season 6 (in the repertoire since 2015)

Mistrz i Małgorzata
The Master and Margarita
Teatr Juliusz Osterwa Lublin (Poland)
Director Artur Tyszkiewicz
Season 7 (in the repertoire since 2014)

Mistrz i Małgorzata
The Master and Margarita
Teatr Malabar Hotel
Teatr Dramatyczny, Warsaw (Poland)
Director Magdalena Miklasz
Season 7 (in the repertoire since 2014)

Majster a Margaréta
The Master and Margarita
Teatro Tatro, Nitra (Slovakia)
Teatro Tatro, Cabaj-Čápor (Slovakia)
Director Ondrej Spišák
Season 8 (in the repertoire since 2013)

Mistrz i Małgorzata
The Master and Margarita
Teatr Muzyczny Capitol, Wrocław (Poland)
Director Wojciech Kościelniak
Season 8 (in the repertoire since 2013)

Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Drama Theatre Kaliningrad (Russian Federation)
Director Vyacheslav Vittikh
Season 8 (in the repertoire since 2013)

Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Sverdlovsk Drama Theatre, Yekaterinburg (Russian Federation)
Director Grigory Lifanov
Season 9 (in the repertoire since 2012)

Mistrz & Małgorzata story
The Master and Margarita Story
Teatr Polski, Bielsko-Biała (Poland)
Director Robert Talarczyk
Season 10 (in the repertoire since 2011)

Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Chekhov Art Theatre, Moscow (Russian Federation)
Director János Szász
Season 10 (in the repertoire since 2011)

Majstor i Margarita
De meester en Margarita
Újvidéki Színház
Novi Sad Theatre, Novi Sad (Serbia)
Director Šandor Laslo
Season 11 (in the repertoire since 2010)

Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Gorky Art Theatre, Moscow (Russian Federation)
Director Valery Belyakovich
Season 12 (in the repertoire since 2009)

Mistrz i Małgorzata
The Master and Margarita
Teatr Polsky, Poznan (Poland)
Director Grigory Lifanow
Season 12 (in the repertoire since 2009)

Majstor i Margarita
The Master and Margarita
Narodno pozoriste, Užice (Serbia)
Director Aleksandar Saša Lukač
Season 12 (in the repertoire since 2009)

Mistrz i Małgorzata
The Master and Margarita
Teatr Lalki, Maski i Aktora Groteska, Kraków (Poland)
Director Waldemar Wolański
Season 13 (in the repertoire since 2008)

Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Regional Chekhov Drama Theatre, Pavlodar (Kazakhstan)
Director Igor Merkulov
Season 15 (in the repertoire since 2006)

Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Teatr-studio Kinoaktera, Minsk (Belarus)
Director Oleg Kireev
Season 17 (in the repertoire since 2004)

Mistrz i Małgorzata
The Master and Margarita
Teatr Nowy, Łódź (Poland)
Director Andrzej Maria Marczewski
Season 18 (new version since 2010, old version since 2003)

Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Independent Theatre, Moscow (Russian Federation)
Director Yuri Kryzhanovsky
Season 18 (in the repertoire since 2003)

Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Baltic House, Saint Petersburg (Russian Federation)
Director Jonas Vaitkus
Season 19 (in the repertoire since 2002)

Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Roman Viktyuk Theatre, Moscow (Russian Federation)
Director Roman Viktyuk
Season 20 (in the repertoire since 2001)

Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Sergey Aldonin Company
Director Sergey Aldonin
Season 20 (in the repertoire since 2001)

Maestrul şi Margarita
The Master and Margarita
Teatrul Satiricus, Chişinău (Moldova)
Director Sandu Grecu
Season 21 (in the repertoire since 2000)

Meistras ir Margarita
De meester en Margarita
Oskaras Korsunovas Theater
Vilnius City Theatre, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Director Oskaras Korsunovas
Season 21 (in the repertoire since 2000)

Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Permsky Teatr U Mosta, Perm (Russian Federation)
Director Sergey Fedotov
Season 22 (in the repertoire since 1999)

Евангелие от Воланда
(The Gospel According To Woland Woland)
Gorky Academic Drama Theatre, Krasnodar (Russian Federation)
Director Rudolf Kushnarev
Season 27 (in the repertoire since October 1994)

Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Theatre South-West, Moscow (Russian Federation)
Director Valery Belyakovich
Season 28 (in the repertoire since 1993)

Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Pushkin Theatre, Kharkiv (Ukraine)
Director Anatoly Vetsner
Season 33 (in the repertoire since 1988)

Мастер и Маргарита
The Master and Margarita
Taganka Theatre, Moscow (Russian Federation)
Director Yuri Lyubimov
Season 44 (in the repertoire since 1977)


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