Songs about The Master and Margarita - 2011

Vladimir Skobtsov

Vladimir Skobtsov (°1959) is a poet, song writer, artist and singer from Donetsk, Ukraine, where, as he said himself, he also died in 1974 as the result of an unhappy love affair. He must not have suffered much from it though, because he got a degree in History at the State University of Donetsk in 1985.

But - again as he said himself - he didn't succeed in starting a socially productive career after that. That's why Vladimir Skonstov started playing the guitar and singing songs. In 1985, when Mikhail Bulgakov was still on the black list in the Soviet Union, he made the cyclus Зонги к Мастеру и Маргарите [Zongi k Masteru i Margarite] or Songs about The Master and Margarita.

Vladimir Skobtsov - Don't Talk To Strangers

Vladimir Skobtsov - Pontius Pilate

Vladimir Skobtsov - Yehuda's song

Vladimir Skobtsov - The Master

Vladimir Skobtsov - Margarita

Vladimir Skobtsov - The Master's Monologue

Vladimir Skobtsov - Nikanor Ivanovich's Dream

Vladimir Skobtsov - Black Magic

Vladimir Skobtsov - Koroviev's Monologue

Vladimir Skobtsov - The End Of Apartment no. 50

Vladimir Skobtsov - Forgiveness And Eternal Refuge

Vladimir Skobtsov - Ode To M.A. Bulgakov


Vladimir Skobtsov
Vladimir Skobtsov

Technical details

Зонги к Мастеру и Маргарите [Zongi k Masteru i Margerite]

Vladimir Skobtsov



Click on the arrow below to watch Vladimir Skobtsov performing the cyclus Зонги к Мастеру и Маргарите [Zongi k Masteru i Margerite] or Songs about The Master and Margarita.

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