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Zhanna Aster

Jeanne Dudukina (°1964) is a Russian writer, poet, singer and composer who lives and works in France, using the psudonym Zhanna Aster. She studied philology at the State University of Kaliningrad and began working as a journalist-correspondent for various publishers in 1986.

In 1989 she published her first book of poetry The Presence of Light. This allowed her to participate to the congress of the Union of Soviet Writers. As a result, a cycle of her poems was published in the magazine's Young Guard, and she moved to Moscow, where she studied at the Gorky Literary Institute.

In 1994 Zhanna Aster emigrated to Paris where she wrote more poetry and her first novel Danny Delphi. The novel was published on the internet. She was also preparing a book which would be called My idols in literature, film and music, in which would be discussed Fyodor Dostoevsky, Mikhail Bulgakov, Ossip Mandelstam, Joseph Brodsky and others.

In addition, Zhanna Aster began to concentrate on musical projects. She started writing songs and sing them in Russian, French and English. She released her first album, Apparence, on her private label in 2009. It was an album with many psychedelic and philosophical influences. Later that year she made two songs which were inspired by The Master and Margarita. The fierce Мастер и Маргарита [The Master and Margarita] and the more subdued, almost mystical Маргарита [Margarita] are not yet released on record, but can already be listened here. In 2011, she recorded Chanson de la reine Margot [Song of the Queen Margot] on her album Gothique blanche.

It is uncertain whether Zhanna Aster will be able to continue her creative work, since on her website is mentioned: «Prions pour Jeanne Aster ensemble car Jeanne est gravement malade d'un cancer de sang (leucémie). Merci infiniment...» or «Pray with us, since Jeanne Jeanne Aster is seriously ill with a blood cancer (leukemia). Thank you so much...». We can only hope that she will win the fight.

Zhanna Aster - The Master and Margarita

Zhanna Aster - Margarita

Zhanna Aster - Chanson de la reine Margot


Zhanna Aster
Zhanna Aster

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Zhanna Aster

Aster Productions

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